Finance Committee

Finance Committee

  1. To oversee all income and expenditure of Club funds.
  2. To monitor the financial control of all Club properties, furniture, fittings and investments, subject to the approval of the General Committee.
  3. To advise on all matters touching on the financial policy of the Club.
  4. To agree and monitor the annual budget and control of accounts.
  5. To agree salaries and staff benefits.
  6. To ensure all appropriate insurances are in place and to monitor risk management.
  7. To ensure computer hardware and financial systems are in place and well managed.
  8. To oversee the preparation of the Annual Financial Statements and to present them to the General Committee for approval.
  9. To recommend to the General Committee the appointment of auditors and to liaise with them.
  10. To advise the General Committee in connection with setting rates of subscription and entrance fees.
  11. To review accounting policies practices and procedures from time to time.